This year is destined for network operators has both happy and sad year.
Beijing Industry and Commerce launched the new Online Shop must be done according to regulations, the net resistance of the voice issue by consensus, and some network operators have even started closing shop dumped goods. Although because of the Olympic cycle, this policy is not strong push, but after the Olympics, will re-start is hard to forecast strong.
Introduced one after another.
Recent Taobao and Baidu recurring disputes, but at this time node is very subtle: October Taobao commitment to on-line shop 5 years free of the forthcoming expiry of the time, but in the future it is charged, the current Taobao has not made it clear; while Baidu's C2C platform has entered the final phase of closed beta, on-line soon. Be exposed to the recent Taobao shielding Baidu spiders crawl the issue, Baidu introduced immediately for specific measures: three-year free period, and green channels to attract Taobao sellers moved to Baidu.
C2C platform for free is really a magic weapon for defeating the enemy. History so similar, network operators would not forget 5 years ago, in the face occupy the C2C market share of 90% of eBay, Taobao in October 2003 with the slogan of free 5 years into the highly competitive field of C2C e-commerce.鍏嶈垂绛栫暐甯姪娣樺疂鐢ㄤ簡3骞存椂闂村氨鍑绘簝鏄撹叮鎴愪负琛屼笟鑰佸ぇ锛屽幓骞存窐瀹濆叏骞寸綉涓婃垚浜ら宸茶揪433浜垮厓锛屽崰鎹?0%鐨勫競鍦轰唤棰濄?濡備粖鍏嶈垂鏈熷嵆灏嗗埌鏈燂紝姝e綋娣樺疂瑕佷韩鍙楄儨鍒╂灉瀹炵殑鏃跺?锛岀獊鐒舵潃鍑轰互浜哄伐骞查鎼滅储瑙侀暱鐨勭櫨搴﹂噸鏂扮キ鍑哄厤璐圭墝锛岀‘瀹炶鎴樺眬鏇村姞娣蜂贡銆?br />
銆??娣樺疂鍜岀櫨搴﹁繎鏈熷張鏄0鏄庯紝鍙堟槸鍒╄锛岃缃戝晢鐪艰姳缂贡銆傚叾瀹炲钩鍙颁贡鐐癸紝绔炰簤婵?儓鐐癸紝瀵圭綉鍟嗘槸濂戒簨鍎裤?鐧惧害鐨勬潃鍑猴紝鑷冲皯浣挎窐瀹濆湪鑰冭檻鏄惁鏀惰垂鐨勬椂鍊欒鎯充竴鎯崇綉鍟嗙殑鎰熷彈銆傚鏋滀袱瀹堕兘鍏嶈垂锛岀綉鍟嗗彲浠ヨ?铏戝湪娣樺疂鍜岀櫨搴﹂兘寮?簵锛屽弽姝g綉鍟嗗湪涔庣殑鏄嚜宸辩殑閿?噺銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄦ繁涓?鑰冮噺锛岄攢閲忔墠鏄綉鍟嗕笉鏂.澶х殑鏍规湰锛岃?骞冲彴鏄惁鍏嶈垂锛屽苟涓嶆槸鏈?富瑕佺殑鍐冲畾鍥犵礌銆傚綋骞存窐瀹濆厤璐癸紝绛変簬鍩硅偛浜咰2C杩欎釜澶у競鍦猴紝濡備粖甯傚満宸茬粡鍏绘垚缃戜笂璐墿鐨勪範鎯紝杩欐椂锛屾墿澶х綉搴楅攢閲忔墠鏄綉鍟嗙珵浜夌殑鏍规湰銆?br />
銆??浠庤繖涓搴︽潵鐪嬬櫨搴﹀拰娣樺疂鐨勭珵浜夋墠鏇村叿浠峰?銆傛窐瀹濆皝鏉?櫨搴︾埇铏繀鐒朵細褰卞搷鍒扮櫨搴︿粠娣樺疂鍗栧鑾峰緱鐨勭珵浠锋帓鍚嶇殑鏀跺叆锛屽悓鏃朵篃浼氬噺灏戠櫨搴﹁兘澶熸悳绱㈠埌娣樺疂鐩稿叧缃戦〉鐨勬暟閲忋?瀵规窐瀹濇潵璇达紝灏佹潃鐧惧害鐖櫕锛屽繀鐒朵細鍑忓皯閫氳繃鐧惧害缁欐窐瀹濈綉甯︽潵鐨勬祦閲忥紝涔熺浉搴斾細鍑忓皯鍗栧鐨勬垚浜ゃ?鍥犳锛屾娆″皝鏉?簨浠跺涓ゅ閮芥湁涓嶅埄褰卞搷銆傛湁涓撳璁や负锛岄泦涓簿鍔涘仛鑷繁鏈?己鍔跨殑椤圭洰鎵嶆槸绔炰簤鐨勪笂绛栥?娣樺疂铏界劧涓嶈兘鍨勬柇C2C甯傚満锛屼絾姣曠珶鏄涓氳?澶э紝鐢ㄦ埛涔熶範鎯簡娣樺疂鍝佺墝锛岃?鐧惧害鐨勪紭鍔垮氨鏄悳绱㈠拰骞垮憡銆傛帉鎻′簡杩欎袱涓叧閿紝缃戝晢灏变細鍦ㄧ悍涔辩殑骞冲彴绔炰簤涓紝瀛︿細濡備綍鍒╃敤瀵规柟鐨勪紭鍔挎潵鍋氳嚜宸辩殑鐢熸剰銆?br />
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